
Infrastructure Development Needed for Energy Efficiency in Pakistan

February 04, 2022

By Muhammad Mudassar ISLAMABAD, Feb 04 (INP-WealthPK): Pakistan being an energy deficit country and exposed to climate change impacts cannot afford inefficiencies in energy sector. According to Asian Development Bank, Pakistan can save 10 to 12 MTOE (million tons of oil equivalent) through energy conservation and efficiency. Energy is wasted through distribution, lack of investment, poor and aging infrastructure. The National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (NEECA) has introduced “Strategic Plan 2020-23” under which it set a goal to save around 3 MTOE by 2023 by taking different initiatives in major energy consuming sectors. Asad Mahmood, NEECA Technical Manager, told WealthPK that the Authority is working on energy efficiency with full capacity by promoting energy-efficient appliances, upgrading brick kilns, establishing laboratories, machinery upgradation and improving skills. Under the “Energy Efficiency and Standards Scheme”, NEECA with the collaboration of the Ministry of Science and Technology will introduce energy efficient fans by June 2022 that will be certified from Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority (PSQCA). Asad said NEECA is hopeful that energy efficient fans not only save the energy, but also contribute to Pakistan’s exports. He told WealthPK that NEECA is also collaborating with different agencies like Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to build capacity, strengthen laboratories and develop an ideal roadmap to conserve energy. Electricity is a major component to uplift the economy. According to a World Bank report (2019), around 54 million people do not have access to electricity in Pakistan. To ensure accessibility and affordability, focus must be made on energy efficiency. Pakistan spends a huge amount on the import of oil. The import has reached $11.4 billion in the first half of the fiscal year 2021-22, WealthPK reported. Industry, transport, agriculture and household are the major energy intensive sectors of Pakistan. In the industrial sector, regular cleaning and planned maintenance of electrical and mechanical equipment goes a long way towards optimising its performance and lifespan, which can translate into energy savings. Energy efficiency also helps mitigate climate change. It is a two-way process between energy efficiency and climate change. Energy production contributes to the impacts of global warming. On the other hand, due to rise in temperature, the demand of energy also rises. So, energy efficiency is a powerful weapon to combat climate change. Household sector is one of the prodigious consumers of energy. The government could start energy saving campaigns that will be helpful for behavioral changes. Transport authorities can help bring about changes related to energy efficiency. More energy efficient vehicles require less fuel to cover a given distance. This generates fewer emissions, and makes them significantly less expensive to operate. Plug-in hybrids and fully electric vehicles are particularly fuel efficient. Switching to LED bulbs can easily lead the country to saving energy. Modern lighting can provide the same quantity of light as older fluorescent lighting, while consuming as little as one-third of the energy. Behavioral change also matters a lot for energy conservation. The government must develop and implement a comprehensive behavior change communication strategy.