4- year degree programs of Computer Arts and Media Sciences curriculum Unanimously approved by BoS membersBreaking

May 15, 2024

The 1st Board of Studies meeting for the 4-year degree program in Computer Arts and 4- year degree program in Media Sciences took place today at Hamdard University's Islamabad Campus. The gathering brought together esteemed subject experts, including Dr. Wajid Zulqarnain, Head of Media Sciences at SZABIST Islamabad; Dr. Nazia Rehman, Lecturer in Mass Communication at Rawalpindi Women University; Ms. Afshan Jamal, Head of Computer Arts at Fatima Jinnah Women University; and Kinza Yasmeen, Lecturer in Computer Arts at FJWU Rawalpindi. Following a thorough review, the curriculum for both programs was approved with minor revisions, paving the way for a comprehensive and cutting-edge education in these fields.

Internal members, including Dr. Ansar Abbas, Associate Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Dr. Asghar Khan, Chairman of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Ms. Maria Zia, Head of the Department of Computer Arts, Dr. Naseem Anwar Khattak, Ms. Muqaddas, and Ms. Aminah, lecturers in Computer Arts, participated in the meeting. These internal members brought their expertise and insights to the discussion, contributing to a comprehensive and productive meeting. Their input was invaluable in shaping the curriculum for the 4-year degree programs in Computer Arts and Media Sciences.

Credit: Independent News Pakistan