IIOJK civil society urges India to take steps for peaceful Kashmir solutionBreaking

February 26, 2024

Members of the civil society in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir have urged the Indian government to take proactive measures for the peaceful resolution of the Kashmir dispute. According to reports from Kashmir Media Service, prominent figures such as Dr. Zubair Ahmed, Muhammad Furhan, Muhammad Iqbal Shaheen and Syed Haider Hussain in a joint statement in Srinagar, stressed the need for restoring Articles 370 and 35-A in their original form. They emphasized the urgency of ending atrocities and finding an immediate resolution of the Kashmir conflict in accordance with United Nations resolutions. Highlighting the escalating tensions and evolving dimensions of the Kashmir issue, the civil society members called upon the Indian government to transcend political barriers and embrace statesmanship.

They stressed the importance of prioritizing peace and stability in the region, considering the welfare of the 1.75 billion people affected by the conflict. The statement underscored the potential for India and Pakistan to de-escalate hostilities and foster goodwill through diplomatic and political engagement at appropriate levels. The civil society representatives expressed hope that their appeal would be recognized not merely as advice but as a representation of the aspirations of the voiceless in Kashmir. Their call for peace and a resolution to the Kashmir dispute resonates not only with the people of Kashmir but also with billions across the South Asian region. It underscores the critical need for dialogue, cooperation, and a genuine commitment to addressing longstanding grievances in the pursuit of lasting peace and stability.

Credit: Independent News Pakistan (INP)