Abducted girl recoveredBreaking

July 25, 2024

The Docks Investigation Police have successfully recovered a young girl who was reported missing and abducted, along with her stolen jewelry and cash, in just 24 hours. According to SSP Investigation District Kemari, P-Lt (R) Azhar Javed, a case of kidnapping was filed on July 23 at the Docks police station under Section 365 of the Criminal Code (Case No. 24/373). The report also included the theft of one thousand rupees, 20 tolas of gold jewelry, two mobile phones valued at Rs 179,000, and a licensed pistol. Acting swiftly on technical leads, the investigation team managed to locate and return the girl, Amina, safely. All stolen items, including the cash, jewelry, mobile phones, and pistol, were recovered and returned to her family. The SSP revealed that Amina admitted in her statement that she had left home out of anger towards her parents. Both the girl and the recovered property were handed back to her parents.

Credit: Independent News Pakistan