The Pakistan Army has launched a Youth Festival Cricket Tournament in Azad Kashmir, marking a new sports initiative in the region. The colorful opening ceremony took place at Malik Baz Stadium in Bhimber, with Secretary Sports, Youth, and Culture Rashid Hanif attending as the chief guest. During his address at the ceremony, Secretary Rashid Hanif emphasized the government's commitment to developing sports facilities throughout Azad Kashmir. He stated that the initiative aims to provide youth with access to sporting venues and activities across the region.
The tournament, organized by the Pakistan Army, brings together young cricketers from various areas of Azad Kashmir. Local residents have acknowledged the initiative as an effort to engage youth in sporting activities. The event represents part of broader efforts to expand sports infrastructure and opportunities in Azad Kashmir, with officials focusing on creating more spaces for athletic activities in the region. Secretary Hanif outlined plans to establish additional sports facilities across Azad Kashmir, highlighting the role of athletics in youth development. The tournament showcases the collaboration between military and civilian authorities in promoting sports activities in the region.
Credit: Independent News Pakistan (INP)