Won't let Reko Dek project be politicized: Balochistan CMBreaking

December 13, 2022

Balochistan Chief Minister Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo said on Tuesday no one would be allowed to politicise the Reko Diq project. Mr Bizenjo in a media talk made it clear that the provincial taxes on the copper and gold mine project would remain in place. He vowed not to give in the powers granted to the province after the eighteenth amendment of the Constitution.

The mega foreign investment of $8 billion would not only help revive the national economy but also had positive impact on the provincial economy. Balochistan will reap financial benefits from the accord signed with the Canadian company, he assured. Mr Bizenjo said all stakeholders, including all political parties, were taken on board prior to the Reko Diq agreement. He vowed to go to any length to satisfy the Opposition about the project.

Credit : Independent News Pakistan-INP