Woman gives birth to baby boy in Chaman refugee holding campBreaking

November 02, 2023

A woman gave birth to a baby boy in a refugee holding camp situated at the Chaman border. The illegal immigrant woman who was kept at a refugee holding camp was shifted to the DHQ Hospital on the orders of Deputy Commissioner Chaman City Zohaib as she was pregnant. The woman gave birth to a baby boy at the hospital and according to doctors both the mother and child are healthy. The deputy commissioner said the woman along with her newborn baby would be deported to her country after doctors declared them fit.

The operation to deport illegal immigrants is underway across the country after the deadline set by the caretaker expired on October 31. As many as 7,380 illegal immigrants mostly Afghans registered at Landikotal holding camp on the first day were deported to their home countries via the Torkham border that connects Pakistan with landlocked Afghanistan. On the first day of the nationwide campaign for deportation of illegal foreigners started on Wednesday, about 7,380 undocumented immigrants were registered at Landikotal camp were later deported via the Torkham border in free transport service.

Credit: Independent News Pakistan (INP)