The Lahore High Court has reserved its decision on the maintainability of a plea to order the broadcast of speeches of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan on TV channels. The PTI chairman filed an application with the Lahore High Court against the order to ban the broadcast of his speeches and statements on electronic media. Justice Shams Mehmood Mirza conducted the proceedings on the petition, and reserved his verdict on its maintainability. The PEMRA chairman and others were made parties to the petition. During the hearing, the court observed that no channel can be forced to broadcast a speech.
Imran Khan’s lawyer said his client’s speech was not being aired in the current situation. Channels want to air the speech but cannot, he claimed. Imran Khan’s lawyer adopted the stance that the court has suspended the PEMRA notification regarding the ban, yet the statements and speeches of the PTI chairman are not being aired. The lawyer further stated that not airing the speeches and statements of the former prime minister was a violation of his fundamental rights. PEMRA is pressurizing TV channels not to broadcast Imran Khan’s speeches, he claimed. The petitioner sought a court order for broadcasting the statements and speeches of Imran Khan.
Credit: Independent News Pakistan-INP