Urs of Data Ganj Bakhsh (RA) to start from Aug 24Breaking

August 07, 2024

The 981st (three-day) Urs celebrations of great Sufi Saint Hazrat Ali Hajveri (RA), popularly known as Data Ganj Bakhsh will start from August 24 and will end on August 26. Apart from important personalities of the federal and provincial governments, a large number of domestic and foreign pilgrims will participate in the Urs celebrations. These views were expressed by Secretary Auqaf Punjab Syed Tahir Raza Bukhari on Tuesday while presiding over the review meeting of celebrations of the three-day Urs of Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh (RA). In addition to Director General Auqaf Punjab, Khalid Mahmood Sindhu and Administrator Auqaf Data Darbar Shahid Hameed, officers from Police Department & Law Enforcing Agencies, Safe City Authority, Food Authority, LESCO, Municipal Corporation, Health, Education, Traffic, Rescue 1122, WASA, Civil Defense and many other departments participated in the meeting.

Administrator Auqaf Shahid Hamid Virk gave a detailed briefing about the events, arrangements and responsibilities of the departments. The meeting was informed that multiple of celebrations including Mahfil-e-Samaa, Mahafil-e-Qiraat, Dars-e-Quran, Dars-e-Tasawuf, distribution of food (Lungar) and special prayers for the prosperity of homeland and unity and progress of Muslim Ummah shall resume during consecutive three days. He further informed that fool-proof arrangements will be made for the security and facilities of pilgrims in Urs and special arrangements will be made for lights and cleanliness. He said that special passes would be issued to volunteers, media representatives and other service providers.

Credit: Independent News Pakistan