Two more cuts administered in Dadu canal to save it from inundationBreaking

September 12, 2022

In order to save Dadu city, the authorities on Monday administered two more cuts in the city canal to divert the course of floodwater that was rushing swiftly to deluge the city. The assistant commissioner reached the canal with necessary equipment to administer the cuts. He said that after administering these breaches, the city had been saved to a great extent. He said the direction of flood water was diverted to the river.  Meanwhile, 250 villages were inundated when a 500-foot breach occurred in the Ring embankment of Dadu.  Hundreds of families have started evacuating their areas.  Another breach was occurred in Juma canal which submerged more than 20 villages including Allah Bachhayo village in Umar Kot. The flood torrent has destroyed crops.

Two children were drowned in the floodwater in Meed Shaheed village in tehsil Warah in Qambar district on Sunday.  Four bodies recovered from Khairpur floodwater  The flood torrents have wreaked havoc in Sindh as the authorities have found four dead bodies in Khairpur floodwater. A human tragedy is being unfolded in the wake of unprecedented deluges that have hit various areas of the country. One such disaster comes in the shape of loss of lives as almost every day the authorities are fishing out floating bodies from the floodwaters. The rescuers today found four bodies floating in Khairpur floodwater but the dead could not be identified so far.  The officials shifted these bodies to the city morgue after declaring them unclaimed.  Later, the Farooq Azam Boy Scouts buried them after performing the rite of Ghusul (bathing).

Credit: Independent News Pakistan-INP