Energy Minister Engineer Khurram Dastgir on Thursday visited Jhimpir – a rural area of Thatta district in Sindh – to monitoring the restoration work launched after strong winds triggered by Biparjoy knocked down a transmission line. He said the National Transmission and Dispatch Company (NTDC) was working on the eight affected power pylons of 132KV transmission line toppled a day earlier, which would be completed within three days.
This transmission line connects the three wind power plants – Indus, Liberty I and Liberty II – established in the Jhimpir area to the nearby grid station and thus to the national grid. Known as “Jhimpir Wind Corridor”, the region is considered most suitable for wind power generation and thus become first location selected for this purpose in the country. Talking about the effects on national grid, the minister told media that supply of 60 megawatts of electricity had been suspended while the remaining 134 megawatts generated in the Jhimpir Wind Corridor were still supplied to the national grid. The Jhimpir Grid Station was functioning, he added. Earlier, NTDC MD Dr Rana Abdul Jabbar briefed Dastgir on the latest situation and the progress made so far.
Credit: Independent News Pakistan-INP