Three shopkeepers fined for profiteeringBreaking

August 15, 2023

Three shopkeepers in Sargodha were booked and seven others were fined on charges of profiteering, authorities confirmed. According to the media reports, price control magistrate Naseer Ahmad Kiyani and his team inspected Kot Imran and its surrounding areas, where they caught three shopkeepers Khizar Hayyat, Muhammad Imran, and Jamal Deen overcharging customers. The team registered cases against the three shopkeepers. The team also fined seven other shopkeepers Rs. 7,000 each for not displaying price lists at their shops and selling items at exorbitant rates.

The price control magistrate warned shopkeepers in Sargodha to refrain from profiteering, saying that strict action would be taken against those found violating the law.The news of the crackdown on profiteering has been welcomed by consumers in Sargodha, who have long complained about rising prices of essential commodities. They hope that the crackdown will help to bring down prices and make essential commodities more affordable.

 Credit: Independent News Pakistan (INP)