Taimur Jhagra has asked for KP right, don;t you dare suppress his voice: Asad UmarBreaking

August 27, 2022

PTI Secretary General Asad Umar on Saturday defended Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Minister for Finance Taimur Jhagra — under fire for backing out of a key International Monetary Fund (IMF) requirement — saying the minister "asked for KP right and no one should "suppress his voice. Umar remarks come a day after Jhagra wrote to Minister for Finance Miftah Ismail saying it will be next to impossible for the province to run a surplus this fiscal year. He asked for the government to resolve outstanding issues such as budget allocations for the former federally administered tribal area (FATA), monthly transfers of net hydel profits in accordance with agreed terms, and revival of the National Finance Commission award, among others.

Jhagra stated in his letter that KP expressed its support within 24 hours, and that the provincial government is ready to assist the federal government, but the federal government has not met with the provincial government in two months. Taimur Jhagra is demanding the right of the province, dont you dare try to suppress his voice, Umar said. He claimed that the government is "attempting to pin the blame for its own failureson Jhagra. The PTI leader said that the federal government is incompetentbecause no agreement with the IMF has been reached in four and a half months. Umar said that Miftah Ismail blames PTI for being unable to reach an IMF deal, while Nawaz Sharif hastestified to his incompetence. We were in a much stronger position to negotiate with the IMF, Umar claimed, adding that the PTI efforts were aimed at having Pakistan stand on its own two feet.

In response to the country current unprecedented situation caused by rains and floods, Umar stated that when times are tough, the Pakistani nation unites. He said that Imran Khan has directed the party to assist flood-affected areas and that messages are coming in from all over the world urging Imran Khan to help flood victims. Umar said that discussions with the provincial governments are ongoing and that a decision on flood relief aid will be made soon. He went on to say that if the coalition government believes the country should be ruled with an iron fist, they are iving in a fantasy. Umar said that "whatever is happening in the country is the result of the ruling government failure. In response to notices of contempt issued by the Election Commission of Pakistan to Fawad Chaudhry and Umar, he stated that under the Constitution, the Election Commission cannot issue the notice, as "it is not a court.

Independent News Pakistan-INP