Sindh Home Minister vows action of SHO suspension over citizen's death in robberyBreaking

June 26, 2024

Sindh's Home Minister Zia-ul-Hasan Linjar has announced the suspension of a Station House Officer (SHO) following the tragic death of a citizen during a robbery in Karachi. Addressing the Sindh Assembly, Minister Linjar underscored the need for 42,000 police constables, emphasizing ongoing recruitment based on rigorous third-party exams to ensure merit-based selections. Highlighting the crucial role of Rangers, Linjar noted their collaboration with the police across various targets in Sindh, supported by a budget of 6 billion rupees. He pointed out significant achievements in reducing mobile snatching incidents and dismantling auto-parts theft networks, resulting in over 300 arrests. "We are accountable to the assembly and the public," Minister Linjar affirmed, pledging swift action whenever citizens lose their lives during criminal acts.

He urged the Chief Minister to announce compensation for victims and emphasized the government's role as servants of the people. The minister also addressed concerns over rural security and improvements in motorway operations, stressing targeted police actions despite resource limitations. He mourned recent police casualties and called for enhanced security measures in Kashmore and Karachi. Efforts to streamline police station operations and expand their jurisdiction were highlighted as part of ongoing reforms to improve policing in Karachi. Minister Linjar also emphasized respect and efficiency in police dealings, particularly with women seeking assistance. The proactive stance by Sindh's Home Minister reflects a commitment to ensuring public safety and accountability in law enforcement across the province.

Credit: Independent News Pakistan