Sindh CM presents Rs1.71 trillion ‘tax free’ budgetBreaking

June 15, 2022

Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah,who also holds the portfolio of Finance Minister,on Tuesday presented the budget for the fiscal year 2022-23 in the Sindh Assembly amid ruckus from the opposition benches.Addressing the budget session of the Sindh Assembly,CM Murad Ali Shah said that the total outlay of the budget for the province is estimated at Rs1714 billion.“Government has imposed no new tax in the provincial budget for FY2022-23,said Murad,adding that the provincial government took steps for social protection and economic stability in the “people-friendly” Sindh budget.He went on to say that the government has prepared a budget in consultation with all stakeholders.

Presenting the budget,he announced a 15 per cent increase in salaries of the government employees while pension was jacked up by 5 per cent. “Government is increasing 33 percent hike in salaries of govt employees from grade 1-16,” he added.Murad Ali Shah said the government has earmarked Rs 332billion for the provincial development schemes,while Rs15.4bn has been set aside for social protection.Rs 27 billion has been allocated for the establishment of science museums at all divisional headquarters of Sindh.Rs4 billion has been earmarked for procuring hybrid diesel-electric buses while overall Rs13.3bn has been allocated for the transport sector, an increase of 72.77 percent as compared to previous year.

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