The station house officer (SHO) and a constable of Shakargarh Chak Amru police station allegedly raped a detained girl and later releases her after taking Rs200,000 from her, reported on Friday. According to the victim, on July 29, she along with her fiancé came to Sherpur village as a guest. The victim girl alleged that Chak Amru policemen detained them and locked them in the police station where SHO Hanif Padhyar and his Constable Mumtaz tortured and raped her. The girl said that she has file a complaint with the DPO and has taken shelter in Darul Aman fearing threats from the police, and appealed the IG Punjab for justice. DPO Naveed Malik said that an inquiry has been ordered to the DSP. The statement given by the girl to the local magistrate does not include any allegation against police. It seemed her allegations are baseless, the police said.
Credit: Independent News Pakistan