Seasoned politician Sheikh Rashid on Monday said the statements issued by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and his cabinet members on the IMF deal were contradictory. While questioning whether they were managing the country or some market, he said the ministers were of the opinion that the anti-US narrative was reason behind not finalising the agreement. At the same time, the Awami Muslim League (AML) chief noted that Finance Minister Ishaq Dar had been saying that the IMF was doing politics and he did not care about what the international lender had to say. But on the other hand, the prime minister said they were going to sign document during the current month and the nation would be taken into confidence, if it wasn’t the case, the former interior minister added. In a series of tweets, Mr Rashid claimed that the people were not being fooled by their assertions. The coalition government would go for elections by relying upon the May 9 events as a narrative, he predicted.
The AML chief remarked that no decision had so far been made about which one would be the actual king’s party and that the PPP unable to trap any big name [induct known political figures into the party]. He said threatening the expatriates would further decline the remittances and added that the budget was quite opposite to the facts. Mr Rashid was of the opinion that Almighty Allah and the judiciary would rescue the country out of the present political hell as the biryani-based rallies [a reference to the public gatherings being attended by Maryam Nawaz] were going to prove unproductive.
Credit: Independent News Pakistan-INP