Commissioner Shaheed Benazirabad Division Shehryar Gul Memon through a notification, has imposed Section 144 within the limits of education board Shaheed Benazirabad's examination centers across the division for peaceful conduct of the second annual examinations of HSC Part II (Class XII). The Section 144 will remain in force from December 31 till the conclusion last paper. The notification further stated that the Chairman of the Education Board, Professor Dr. Muhammad Farooq Hassan, had recommended the imposition of Section 144 during the examinations.
Apart from the candidates appearing for the examination and the staff performing their duties, any unrelated person will be prohibited from entering the examination centers. Meanwhile the use of photocopy machines near the examination centers during the time of the papers will also remain prohibited. Legal action would be initiated against the violators, notification adds.
Credit: Independent News Pakistan (INP)