Supreme Court of Pakistan (SCP) on Thursday released Haq Do Tehreek leader Maulana Hidayat ur Rehman Baloch against surety bonds of Rs300,000. Supreme Court of Pakistan Justice Sardar Tariq Masood heard the case and announced the verdict in favour of Maualna Hidayat ur Rehman. On January 13 this year, Gwadar police Friday arrested Haq Do Tehreek leader Maulana Hidayat Ur Rehman outside a court in Balochistan’s port city over the killing of a policeman. A heavy police contingent was present outside the local court, which arrested three others along with Rehman — days after the HDT leader said he would reach Gwadar to surrender before the law enforcers.
Earlier, Jamaat-e-Islami chief Siraj ul Haq wrote a letter to Chief Justice of Pakistan and urged the superior judiciary to provide justice to all citizens including Maulana Hidayat Ur Rehman. He said courts are free and there should be no double standard for the elite and the common man. Siraj ul Haq termed the Hidayat Rehman Baloch political struggle as ‘peaceful’. Siraj ul Haq reacting to the SC decision said that the Supreme Court declared Maulana Hidayat’s arrest as illegal. “We thank Allah Almighty for this success and congratulate the people of Gwadar,” he added. He said Pakistan is facing difficulties and is stuck in a political and economic crisis. Balochistan is a province rich in minerals but deprived of basic facilities and only source of livelihood of the fishermen who catch fish has also been ‘eliminated’. The JI chief vowed to continue to fight for the rights of the people.
Credit: Independent News Pakistan-INP