Sindh Rangers and police conducted a joint operation in Baldia town, apprehended three alleged street criminals involved in several robberies in Karachi on Friday. According to the Rangers Spokesperson, the culprits identified as Noor Muhammad, Hammad Ahmed and Muhammad Asad was arrested from Karachi’s Orangi Town area. The security officials recovered two pistols, one motorcycle and multiple mobile phones from the possession of the arrested accused.
In the preliminary investigation, the culprits confessed about the multiple robbery incident as well as manipulating the IMEI number of the robbed mobile phones from the metropolis. The culprit committed a robbery on May 19, 2023 in Madina Colony, Baldia Town, where a citizen named Gulzar Hussain was shot and injured when he resisted the robbery. The criminals robbed Rs 250,000 and two mobile phones and fled from the scene. However, FIRs have been registered against the accused in Pirabad and Madina Colony police stations, meanwhile, the security officials are conducting raids to arrest other accomplices of the accused. The arrested suspects have been handed over to the police for further legal proceedings.
Credit: Independent News Pakistan-INP