PTI founder urged to hold talks with politiciansBreaking

August 08, 2024

PML-N Senator Irfan Siddiqui, a close aide to party supremo Nawaz Sharif, has urged PTI founder and former Prime Minister Imran Khan to hold talks with politicians. In an interview, the PMLN Senator expressed his thoughts on the May 9 riots, saying that the PTI leadership should first realize their wrongdoings before seeking forgiveness. Senator Siddiqui questioned the PTI claim of innocence, asking if their workers were not involved in the May 9 riots then who were those 16 people who died during protests. He accused the PTI of taking an incorrect stance and trying to shift the blame. The senator also criticized the PTI’s approach to politics, stating that they are going in the wrong direction. He recalled the 2014 dharna (sit-in) and how PTI leaders had claimed that they would not negotiate with “thieves and dacoits”.

Senator Siddiqui emphasized that political issues are resolved through dialogue and negotiation. He advised the PTI to engage in meaningful discussions with political leaders rather than relying on protests and agitation. He also warned the PTI against seeking support from non-political figures, stating that they should focus on finding a political solution to their issues. It is pertinent to mention here that Yesterday, PTI incarcerated founder Imran Khan announced to offer a conditional apology for the May 9 riots, provided that the CCTV footage of the events is made public. Speaking to media representatives at Adiala Jail, Imran Khan said that the footage will help identify the culprits, who he said should be brought to justice.  “If the culprits are found to be affiliated with the PTI, I will not only expel them from the party but also apologise,” he added.

Credit: Independent News Pakistan