Police failed to maintain law and order despite tall claims as a man abducted and cold bloodedly murdered by dacoits in Shikarpur district’s Khanpur taluka. According to police, Iqbal Napur, a nephew of local landlord Raees Karim Bux Napur, was taken hostage by a gang of bandits from agricultural farm in Napur Kot police jurisdiction. The abductee was subjected to severe torture and killed within few hours of his kidnapping. The bandits thrown the body of their victim in Kot Shahu Katcha area. After getting information, the police and family members reached to the spot. The body was shifted to hospital for medical formalities. Police officials have said that the department inquiring into the incident and launched a search operation after sealing entry and exit points of the Katcha area.
Rampant kidnappings and other crimes by various gangs of bandits operating in the Katcha area has made life miserable for local population. The authorities and police department have claimed to act against criminals entrenched in the area but to no avail despite claims. Local people recently staged protest at the Indus Highway to press for recovery of 11 hostages kidnapped by bandit gangs and blocked the Sukkur-Shikarpur highway for traffic. The law-and-order situation of Sindh especially of katcha area along the Indus worsening with every passing day as bandits continuing to abduct people for ransom, while the police has failed to maintain the law and order.
Credit: Independent News Pakistan