Play titled “Khoon Ki Wadi” staged at PACBreaking

February 06, 2024

Punjab Arts Council (PAC) stated a drama titled “Khoon Ki Wadi” based on the atrocities committed by the Indian forces on Kashmiri people in connection with Kashmir Solidarity Day. President Board of Management Punjab Council of the Arts Rawalpindi Saqib Rafiq was chief guest on the occasion. The play has been written by Aamir Zaryab while the direction has been given by Manwar Afridi. Arshad Khan, Karim Khan, Shazia Sheikh, Rabia Shah, Yaqub Sheikh, Kashif Raza, Hamid, Parvez Malik, Saim and others were included in the cast of the play. The artists have portrayed the atrocities in Occupied Kashmir in the best way in the stage drama. Special guest Saqib Rafiq said that human rights violations were committed by India in Occupied Kashmir, which is unprecedented in history.

He said that the silence of world powers on human rights violations is sad. Pakistan will continue to provide political, diplomatic and moral support to Kashmiris. The United Nations will have to play its role to solve the Kashmir problem. Finally, he congratulated all the actors of the drama for presenting the best performance. Director of Arts Council Waqar Ahmed said that on August 5, 2019, the special status of Kashmir was abolished, which increased the freedom spirit of Kashmiris immensely. She is suffering the most atrocities. Human rights organizations around the world are also shouting about this worst state terrorism. But the silence of the United Nations and the European Union on the violation of human rights in the occupied valley is beyond comprehension. A large number of people from the twin cities visited the Arts Council to watch the play.

Credit: Independent News Pakistan (INP)