PDWP approves two development schemes worth Rs 7,493.878mBreaking

November 28, 2022

The Punjab Provincial Development Working Party approved two development schemes of Public Buildings and Sports Sectors with an estimated cost of Rs. 7,493.878 million. These schemes were approved in the 31st meeting of the Provincial Development Working Party (PDWP) of the current fiscal year 2022-23. Chairman Planning & Development Board Abdullah Khan Sumbal has joined the meeting through video link.

The approved development schemes included Building Climate Resilience & Disaster Risk Reduction in Punjab at the cost of Rs. 3,993.878 million and Construction of Sports Complex at Newly Created Gujrat Division and Upgradation & Renovation of Zahoor Ilahi Stadium at the cost of Rs. 3,500.000 million. Provincial Secretary P&D Board Dr. Muhammad Sohail Anwar Chaudhary, all Members of the Planning & Development Board, Provincial Secretaries of concerned departments, and other senior representatives of the relevant Provincial Departments also attended the meeting.


Credit : Independent News Pakistan-INP