PCJCCI condemned terrorist attack on Chinese nationalsBreaking

March 29, 2024

Islamabad, March 29 (INP): Pakistan China Joint Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCJCCI) has expressed solidarity with the people of China and condoled with the Chinese Consul General, Zhao Shiren over the death of five Chinese citizens in the terrorist incident at the dam construction site of Dasu Hydropower project. Moazzam Ghurki, President PCJCCI said that we stand firmly with families of the deceased Chinese citizens at this hour of crisis. Both countries are working closely to ensure "effective steps" were taken to protect the safety and security of Chinese personnel in Pakistan. President PCJCCI added that Pakistani government promise to thoroughly investigate the incident, provide timely updates on the progress of the investigation, (and) strengthen security measures for Chinese personnel, projects, and institutions.

Fang Yulong, Senior Vice President PCJCCI said that China firmly supports Pakistan in fighting against terrorism and the two countries are capable enough to make the terrorists pay the price. He reiterated that Pakistan and China are all-weather strategic cooperative partners and no attempt to sabotage the cooperation will ever succeed.  The acts targeting Pakistan-China friendship are particularly aimed at creating mistrust between the two iron brothers. Hamza Khalid, Vice President PCJCCI said that the enemies of CPEC have once again tried to undermine the project with such cowardly act, but they can never succeed in their evil plans. We pledge to fight and continue the war against terrorism till our last breath. Salahuddin Hanif, Secretary General PCJCCI this is the time to reciprocate the love and support to China, which we had been receiving from China in all odd times faced by us in the past.  

Credit: Independent News Pakistan (INP)