Panadol shortage crises persist despite 10% increase in priceBreaking

October 04, 2022

The Panadol shortage persists despite 10% increase in the price of Panadol under the Consumer Price Index. As per details, Panadol is the most prescribed drug by the medics to treat the ailment of dengue, and fever and also used as pain relief. Panadol has seen an increase in demand in the market due to the resurgence of dengue in the country. Patients are suffering greatly as Panadol is unavailable in the market. Not just Panadol, but all paracetamol brands are in limited supply, and Panadol syrup is also difficult to get in stores. The production of the local pharmaceutical firms decreased as a result of the rise in the price of paracetamol raw materials on the international market. More than 50 lakh tablets of Panadol and aspirin are consumed each day in Lahore. The recent shortage was caused by less than a quarter of the supply of Panadol.

Credit: Independent News Pakistan-INP