Rival group allegedly attacked a family with arms and gunned down three people including a women and injured two in Kohat district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa on Friday. Sources disclosed that incident occurred owing to the old enmity. According to the media reports, police told that the armed men of the rival group opened fire at the family in Mirozai area of Kohat, resulting in the death of three people including a woman, while two people sustained injuries.
The deceased have been identified as Abdul Basit, Abdul Razzaque and Sanobar. Naeem and Pir Muhamad are identified as injured. The police have shifted the bodies for autopsy and the injured for medical aid to the hospital. Meanwhile, a case of the incident has been lodged against Usman, Umarzaib and Hashim at the Muhammad Riaz Shaheed police station.
Credit: Independent News Pakistan-INP