A mysterious disease has claimed yet another life in Budhal village of Rajouri district, Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), raising the death toll to 16, including 12 children, and plunging the community into panic. According to Kashmir Media Service, the latest victim, identified as 60-year-old Jatti Begum, wife of Muhammad Yousuf, developed symptoms at home before being rushed to a hospital, where she tragically passed away. Jatti Begum had already lost her husband, Muhammad Yousuf (62) to the unexplained illness. The mysterious disease has also claimed her five grandchildren – the children of her nephew – since Sunday.
The tragedy has brought to light glaring apathy on the part of the occupation authorities, whose ineffectual response has contributed to the escalation of this health crisis. The lack of decisive action, despite the alarming death toll, has sparked anger among residents, who demand accountability and immediate preventive measures to avert further loss of life. Residents lament the absence of thorough investigations or effective medical interventions to uncover the cause and halt the fatalities, leaving the community in fear and uncertainty.
Credit: Independent News Pakistan (INP)