Man sent to jail over second marriage without consent of first wifeBreaking

March 16, 2024

The family court of Lahore has penalised a man for contracting a second marriage without the permission of his first wife. Muhammad Aurangzeb Khan has been handed over seven months of imprisonment along with a hefty fine of Rs500,000. The decision was pronounced by Judge Adnan Liaquat of the Family Court Lahore, following an application filed by Zona Nasar. Barrister Usman G Rashid Cheema represented the applicant in court proceedings, advocating for justice on behalf of Nasar. he written verdict highlights that Muhammad Aurangzeb Khan contracted a second marriage without the permission of his first wife, in violation of Section 6(5) of the Muslim Family Law Ordinance.

It stipulates that prior written permission from the first wife is mandatory before entering into a second marriage. Khan, however, proceeded with the second marriage without adhering to this legal requirement, thereby contravening the law. The court sentenced Khan to seven months of imprisonment and imposed a significant fine of Rs500,000. It also says that if Khan fails to pay the fine, he would have to serve an additional one month in jail. Furthermore, the verdict underscores the need for individuals contemplating second marriages to navigate the legal framework diligently and ensure compliance with all necessary procedures. Failure to do so, as demonstrated in this case, can lead to severe legal repercussions.

Credit: Independent News Pakistan (INP)