Maligning Pakistan Army is condemnable, says CM BizenjoBreaking

November 05, 2022

Balochistan Chief Minister Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo said on Saturday that those who are levelling baseless allegations against Pakistan Army are hurting the sentiments of the nation. The chief minister said, “Pakistan Army is our beloved and pride”. He said that Pak Army is a well- disciplined institution and entire world praises Pak Army for its remarkable professional capabilities. He further said that bravery and valor are the main traits of Pak Army. He added that few elements of the society are hatching conspiracy to create differences between the nation and Pak Army but they will not succeed in their aim. Bizenjo said that dragging army into the politics is not a good omen. He said that criticizing army is equivalent to putting national security at stake.

Credit: Independent News Pakistan-INP