Major Tufail Shaheed’s 65th martyrdom anniversary being observedBreaking

August 07, 2023

The nation on Monday observed the 65th martyrdom anniversary of Major Tufail Shaheed (Nishan-e-Haider), an exceptional Pakistani soldier who made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty. Born on August 22 in 1914, Major Tufail Shaheed was commissioned in the Pakistan Army on August 17, 1948, and served in the famed Punjab Regiment. His remarkable journey as a soldier and a leader began to unfold during the 1965 Indo-Pak War. The battle of Burki and the act of valor During the 1965 war, Pakistan was confronted with a series of military challenges from its neighbor. In one of the critical battles near the village of Burki in Lahore, Major Tufail Shaheed’s exceptional bravery came to the fore.

On August 7, 1965, he was serving as the Company Commander of the 12th Frontier Force Regiment when his unit encountered an Indian assault. Amidst the chaos of the battlefield, Major Tufail spotted an enemy tank closing in on his position. Without a moment’s hesitation, he single-handedly charged towards the tank, armed only with a rocket launcher and complete disregard for his personal safety.

With unparalleled determination and audacity, Major Tufail succeeded in neutralizing the tank, but tragically, he was gravely injured in the process. Major Tufail’s exceptional act of valor did not go unnoticed. Despite his critical injuries, he continued to inspire his troops, displaying immense courage and dedication. However, the wounds he sustained in the battle proved to be fatal, and on August 7, 1965, this brave son of the soil breathed his last.

His sacrifice marked a turning point in the Battle of Burki and served as a rallying cry for his fellow soldiers, who went on to achieve a decisive victory in the area. Honoring the legacy Major Tufail’s extraordinary sacrifice did not go unrewarded. For his conspicuous gallantry, he was posthumously awarded the highest military award of Pakistan, the Nishan-e-Haider. This prestigious honor is bestowed upon those who display exceptional bravery in the face of the enemy.

Credit: Independent News Pakistan (INP)