Different areas of Lahore received light rain earlier on Thursday morning, bringing down the mercury level further and clearing the atmosphere of thick smog. For the past few months, the Punjab capital had been engulfed with clouds of smog that worsened the air quality of the city, prompting widespread health concerns among all age groups and placing the city at the top of the world’s most polluted cities. On Thursday morning, Lahore saw light drizzle in many areas, including Johar Town, Bund Road, Gulberg, Township, Model Town among others.
The rain caused a major dip in temperatures as the city’s mercury level fell to 16 degrees Celsius, with the moisture level in the air being 76%. Similarly, the air quality index of the city improved massively due to the rain, and was recorded at 164 shortly before noon. The changed weather also helped Lahore drop a few spots on the list of the world’s most polluted cities – going from No 1 for weeks to now No 6.
Credit: Independent News Pakistan (INP)