LESCO detects 269 power pilferers in a dayBreaking

December 14, 2023

The Lahore Electric Supply Company (LESCO) netting 269 individuals across various categories, have arrested seven suspects during 24 hours. According to LESCO spokesperson on Thursday, this aggressive operation, spearheaded by Chief Executive Engineer Shahid Haider, marks a significant escalation in LESCO's ongoing anti-theft campaign. "We will not tolerate this blatant disregard for the law and the financial implications it has on the system," declared Engineer Haider. "Our operation will continue relentlessly until electricity theft is completely eradicated." The swift action resulted in the disconnection of all illegal connections and the imposition of hefty detection bills totaling 10,493,756 rupees (approximately USD 53,200). Notably, among those caught were large commercial consumers, highlighting the widespread nature of the problem. Individual detection bills for these commercial culprits ranged from 130,760 rupees to 200,000 rupees, sending a clear message that no sector is exempt from the crackdown.

Furthermore, LESCO has filed First Response (FR) applications against all 269 suspects in the respective police stations. While 134 of these applications have already been registered, swift police action has led to the arrest of 7 individuals thus far. This decisive action demonstrates LESCO's commitment to pursuing legal consequences for those engaging in illegal electricity practices. This operation is part of a broader 96-day campaign launched by LESCO, which has yielded impressive results. To date, a total of 35,482 individuals have been identified as involved in electricity theft. Of these, FR applications have been submitted for 35,092, and cases have been registered against 33,774, leading to the arrest of 15,891 individuals. The total amount of detection bills imposed during this period stands at a staggering 224,263,3504 rupees (approximately USD 1.13 billion), highlighting the scale of the financial losses LESCO has incurred due to illegal electricity usage.

LESCO officials emphasize that the campaign is not merely targeting consumers but also LESCO officers and employees who may be complicit in these illegal activities. "We will not tolerate any internal corruption," stated Engineer Haider. "Anyone found to be aiding or abetting electricity theft will face severe disciplinary action and legal prosecution." LESCO's unwavering commitment to combating electricity theft is expected to have a significant impact on the company's finances and overall efficiency. This sustained crackdown serves as a strong deterrent to potential offenders and sends a clear message that LESCO will not hesitate to take decisive action against those who jeopardize the integrity of the electricity supply system.

Credit: Independent News Pakistan (INP)