KP cabinet approves draft law for addressal of overseas Pakistanis' grievancesBreaking

August 30, 2024

The Khyber Pakthunkhwa cabinet approved a draft law for speedy addressal of problems and grievances of the overseas Pakistanis. The draft law includes a procedural mechanism for addressing problems and complaints of overseas Pakistanis and their families swiftly through a Commission to be headed by Chief Minister KP. Chaired by Chief Minister, Sardar Ali Amin Gandapur, the cabinet also approved sending a passed joint resolution No 56 of the Provincial Assembly condemning the assassination of Palestinian’s Hamas Political Wing Leader, Ismail Hania in Iran wherein his ‘Shahadat’ was declared a big loss for the freedom movement of Palestine and extended support to peoples of Palestine for their independence struggle.

The cabinet also approved forwarding of another Resolutions No 65,66 and 67 of the KP Assembly to the Federation wherein abolishment of Indian illegal occupation of Jummu and Kashmir was demanded besides declaring Kashmir was a juggler vein of Pakistan. Besides adopting other resolutions by the KP assembly, the cabinet also approved of sending a jointly passed resolution No 48 wherein attack on Pakistani consulate by Afghans miscrents at Germany has been strongly condemned.

Credit: Independent News Pakistan