Kashmiris determined for freedom despite Indian oppression: APHCBreaking

July 03, 2024

The All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) has reaffirmed the unwavering determination of the Kashmiri people to continue their struggle for freedom, despite the ongoing brutalities and repressive measures by the BJP-led Indian government in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). According to Kashmir Media Service, APHC spokesman Advocate Abdul Rashid Minhas in a statement issued in Srinagar emphasized that the killings, arrests, and torture inflicted by Indian forces’ personnel cannot diminish the Kashmiris' urge for freedom. The APHC also highlighted that the Amarnath Yatra, which has become increasingly militarized and communal under the BJP government, adds significant stress to the lives of Kashmiris. He noted that the two-month Yatra results in severe restrictions, constant checking and frisking, and has adverse environmental impacts on IIOJK. The militarization of the pilgrimage, particularly since the BJP came to power and the Modi government undemocratically revoked Articles 370 and 35A, exacerbates the hardships faced by the Kashmiris.

Furthermore, Minhas stated that India is brazenly engaged in settling non-locals in IIOJK in large numbers to bring about a demographic change in the Muslim-majority region. He maintained that the people of IIOJK remain resolute, ready to face Indian bullets but refusing to surrender their quest for self-determination. The APHC declared that the Modi regime cannot break the spirit of the Kashmiri people, who have no option but to resist the occupation. “United in their resolve, the Kashmiris are determined to defeat India's nefarious designs in the territory”, he added. Paying tribute to the resilient people of IIOJK, the APHC saluted their refusal to accept Indian hegemony. The ongoing struggle against Indian tyranny will be recorded as a golden page in Kashmir's history, symbolizing the indomitable will of its people, he said. "The day is not far off when Kashmiris will see the dawn of freedom," the APHC asserted, highlighting that India's brutal military occupation of IIOJK poses a significant challenge to the international community. The APHC called on global powers to recognize and address the plight of the Kashmiri people, advocating for a resolution to the Kashmir dispute in line with UN resolutions that is vital for ensuring peace and development in South Asia.

Credit: Independent News Pakistan