A civil judge in Islamabad, Shaista Khan Kundi, has issued non-bailable arrest warrants for the Chief Minister of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Ali Amin Gandapur, in a liquor possession case. The decision came during a hearing at the District and Sessions Court, where the judge dismissed Gandapur's application for exemption from court appearance on medical grounds. The judge also directed the Station House Officer (SHO) of Bhara Kahu Police Station to arrest and present the Chief Minister in court by tomorrow. In a related development, the Anti-Terrorism Court (ATC) has postponed the hearing of Gandapur's pre-arrest bail plea in a terrorism case until September 10. The hearing, presided over by Judge Tahir Abbas Sipra, was adjourned without any proceedings. Gandapur's legal representative, Raja Zahoor-ul-Hasan, submitted a medical certificate to the ATC, citing the Chief Minister's health issues, including leg pain due to a recent slip during a flood relief tour in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The defense requested a postponement, stating that Gandapur was unable to attend court due to his medical condition. The court accepted the request and adjourned the hearing until September 21.
Credit: Independent News Pakistan