Hydrogen is missing link to a climate-safe and energy future: Chairman NEPRABreaking

September 24, 2022

NEPRA on Friday held a webinar titled "Power from Hydrogenat NEPRA Headquarters which was presided by Chairman NEPRA, Tauseef H. Farooqi and Member NEPRA, Engr. Maqsood Anwar Khan and attended by a large number of NEPRA professionals, power sector stakeholders, members of the academia and others. The main objective was to create awareness amongst the participants about the use of hydrogen as a fuel for power generation and progress made so far while moving towards zero emissions, its storage and safety issues and other important aspects. Chairman NEPRA in his opening remarks highlighted that rapid growth of the global hydrogen economy can bring significant geo-economic and geo-political shifts giving rise to a wave of new interdependencies.

Hydrogen could prove to be a missing link to a climate-safe, sustainable, reliable and affordable energy future. Chairman NEPRA also stressed the need to tap into this potential and plan for a gradual transition. International Hydrogen System Analysts and Resource Persons, Mr. Evan Reznicek from M/s NREL and Mr. Louis Strydom from M/s Wartsila, also made detailed presentations highlighting the major aspects of hydrogen-based fuels, power generation from hydrogen, its storage and safety concerns.

Credit: Independent News Pakistan-INP