Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Ali Amin Gandapur, has announced a major administrative reform by establishing separate secretariats for the Kohat, Bannu, and DI Khan divisions. In a strategic move to enhance governance and service delivery, Gandapur assigned the responsibility of Additional Chief Secretary South to Abid Majeed, who will oversee the establishment of secretariats and directorates for all departments in the southern districts. The new Additional Chief Secretary South, Abid Majeed, has been tasked with drafting proposals for amendments in the rules of business, financial management, planning, and service delivery. Majeed will report directly to the Chief Minister, ensuring streamlined communication and efficient implementation of the new administrative structure. A statement from the administration department confirmed the changes, highlighting the government's commitment to improving administrative efficiency and service delivery in the southern divisions of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
Credit: Independent News Pakistan