Four of a family were shot dead due to old enmity in Rajanpur on Wednesday morning. The attackers made their escape good after committing the tetra murders. The slain included a man, his two sons and a daughter. The incident was reported in precincts of Saddar Police Station in Kota Qaim area of Rajanpur. Police said the killings were appeared to be revenge of an old murder. Police have sent the bodies to hospital for medico-legal proceedings while initiating further investigation into the horrible incident.
Punjab Chief Minister Syed Mohsin Raza Naqvi took notice of the four murders and sought a report from Dera Ghazi Khan RPO. Ordering immediate arrest of the killers, the chief minister directed the police high to ensure provision of justice to the affected family by bringing the accused to the court of law. Punjab IGP Dr Usman Anwar has also taken notice of the Rajanpur murders and sought a reported from Dera Ghazi Khan RPO. The IGP directed Rajanpur DPO to ensure immediate steps for early arrest of the accused. He also directed police high-ups to ensure provision of justice to the family of victims on priority basis.
Credit : Independent News Pakistan-INP