At least four members of the same family were killed in a tragic road accident in Punjab’s Sheikhupura district on Friday. According to details, the accident occurred on Lahore-Sialkot Motorway when a car overturned as its tyre burst, resulting in the death of four persons of the same family. The ill-fated family members were returning to Sambrial after attending a wedding. Police and rescue teams reached the spot and shifted the dead bodies to Tehsil Headquarters (THQ) Hospital. Last month, at least five passengers drowned in a tragic accident when a car, en route from Mailsi to Multan for a wedding, submerged into the canal. According to the rescue officials, the overspeeding car went out of control and fell into the Dhamaki canal located near Mailsi city, meanwhile, all the five passengers – aged under 18 – traveling in the car were drowned.
Credit: Independent News Pakistan (INP)