The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) on Tuesday extended deadline for the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) to submit its documents following intra-party elections case. Three-member bench led by Sindh ECP member Nisar Durrani conducted hearing on the PTI intra-party election case. The ECP member from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa asked who supervised the elections of the PTI as it was not an organisation. “The ECP didn’t raise any objection over recent election of the PTI. There are few legal as well as technical questions which we intend to answer if we are given time,” responded PTI Chief Barrister Gohar. He said that police confiscated everything which included important party documents, police didn’t even leave ‘water dispenser’ during the raid it conducted on the PTI Central Secretariat. The ECP adjourned the hearing without giving a date. It must be noted that the ECP had fixed July 13 for hearing of PTI’s intra-party election case.
Credit: Independent News Pakistan