Dollar expected to fall below Rs. 250 in December if strict action continueBreaking

October 06, 2023

 Former Chairman of the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR), Shabar Zaidi, has made a bold prediction that the value of the US dollar will dip below the Rs. 250 mark in December and January if the current stringent economic policies persist. While talking with a private television channel, Zaidi expressed his concerns about the economic challenges facing Pakistan. He highlighted the distressing fact that out of Pakistan's population of 240 million, a staggering 90 million individuals have fallen below the poverty line.

Zaidi further drew attention to the dire state of education in the country, revealing that approximately 20.10 million children are not attending school despite the severe economic conditions. He lamented the lack of urgency in addressing this issue and cautioned against placing undue reliance on a single individual to resolve the nation's economic woes. Zaidi argued that the economic downturn witnessed during the previous 18 months was a collective responsibility, with politicians bearing a significant share of the blame.

 In light of the current economic situation, Zaidi recommended that the caretaker government take decisive action against currency exchange companies andaddress issues related to Afghan transit trade. He asserted that these measures, implemented during the caretaker government's tenure, had positively impacted the economy. Zaidi issued a stark warning that if the government were to return to the hands of 240 members of the National Assembly (MNAs), the economic situation could deteriorate further, emphasizing the importance of maintaining the current stringent approach.

Credit: Independent News Pakistan (INP)