District development committee on Saturday approved 94 development schemes for district development. According to a spokesperson, Deputy Commissioner (DC) Sargodha Muhammad Wasim chaired a meeting regarding the approval of district development schemes in which all officers and officials of local government and representatives of other concern departments.
Director development Mehtab Yasin and all Assistant Commissioners (AC) were present. DC approved 94 schemes including 92 of local government and two of highways worth 88 crore of rupees. The meeting also approved the up gradation of two schools of education department and re-construction of very old and poor condition education collage.
DC stressed to complete the all development schemes with transparency and honestly and complete the schemes with in stimulated time. The ACs informed the DC regarding encroachment operations while XEN public health engineering briefed the DC regarding net of new sewerage pipe lines which have been installed in lower Jhelum canal. The DC was also informed that the department concern has replace old sewerage pipe line from Silanwali disposal to FS drain.
Credit: Independent News Pakistan (INP)