Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) after conducting a successful raid arrested a wanted police officer in connection with a 29-year-old murder case on Friday in Karachi. The Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) spokesperson Chaudhry Safdar toldd that a wanted police officer named Ghulam Hussain, murdered his opponent on Anwar Road, using a government-issued SMG weapon in 1994. However, the law enforcement team was successful in apprehending the culprit promptly after the incident. However, the culprit Ghulam Hussain obtained bail from the court and become a fugitive.
Meanwhile, the District and Session Court Sukkur, after hearing the case, delivered a verdict and awarded death sentencing to Hussain for his heinous crime. Ghulam Hussain, who joined the police force in 1990, was appointed at Baiji Sharif Sukkur police station in 1994 when the incident took place, while the motive behind the murder is not clear till now. Following his arrest in Karachi, Ghulam Hussain was immediately handed over to the relevant police authorities for further action.
Credit: Independent News Pakistan-INP