Crackdown against smoke emitting vehicles continuesBreaking

December 13, 2022

The City Traffic Police (CTP) continued its crackdown against without fitness certificate and smoke emitting vehicles in the provincial capital. The CTP officials took action against heavy vehicles without fitness certificates and emitting smoke, said Chief Traffic Officer Dr Asad Malhi. During one month, action was taken against 2,749 vehicles on above mentioned violations, he said and added that this year, tickets were issued to 57,000 vehicles for emitting smoke.

The CTO said that 10 CTP teams continued the crackdown at the entrance and exit points of the city, adding that action was also being taken against vehicles with mud and sand without tarpaulin. Dr. Asad Malhi's said that traffic officials had been directed to further speed up action against smoke-emitting vehicles while fines of Rs 2,000 each were being imposed on smoke-emitting vehicles.

The CTO said that harmful smoke from commercial and heavy vehicles was causing smog so it was needed to take precautionary measures for dealing with environmental pollution and dangerous effects of smog. Dr Asad said that due to environmental pollution and smog, people could face breathing problems, nose and throat diseases, adding that a climate free from air pollution could help maintaining healthy society.

Credit : Independent News Pakistan-INP