In order to reduce the rush of heart disease patients at the Punjab Institute of Cardiology (PIC), Caretaker Chief Minister Punjab Mohsin Naqvi on Wednesday has approved the construction of a new 250-bed heart hospital in Lahore. According to media reports, the new hospital, to be named the Jinnah Institute of Cardiology, will be built on the site of the ongoing Jinnah Hospital Emergency and Trauma Center project. The Emergency and Trauma Center will be shifted to Jinnah Hospital. The Caretaker Chief Minister visited the under-construction project site on Wednesday and ordered that the foundation of the building be completed by the middle of next month.
The Jinnah Institute of Cardiology will be a 7-story building with 250 beds. It will have all the latest facilities and equipment for the treatment of heart diseases. Provincial Ministers Dr. Javed Akram and Aamir Mir, Secretaries Health, Construction and Communication, Special Secretary Health, Principal Allama Iqbal Medical College, MS Jinnah Hospital and related officials were also present on the occasion. The construction of the new heart hospital is a welcome development for the people of Lahore and Punjab. It will help to reduce the burden on PIC and provide better healthcare to heart patients.
Credit: Independent News Pakistan (INP)