Cloudy weather expected in the countryBreaking

November 14, 2022

Mainly partly cloudy weather is expected in most upper parts of the country, while rain-wind with thunderstorm and snow over the hills is expected in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, north-Balochistan, Islamabad, Potohar region, Gilgit-Baltistan and Kashmir during evening and night during the next twelve hours.Temperatures of some major cities recorded this morning:  Islamabad four degree centigrade, Murree seven, Quetta ten, Lahore sixteen, Karachi twenty-two, Peshawar eleven, Gilgit zero and Muzaffarabad nine degree centigrade. 

According to Met Office forecast for Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir, cloudy weather with chances of rain and wind thunderstorm in evening and night is expected in Srinagar and Leh, partly cloudy in Jammu while cloudy weather with chances of rain thunderstorm in likely to prevail in Pulwama, Anantnag, Shopian, and Baramulla. On the other hand the districts of Swat, Der Upper, and Khyber received the first snowfall of the winter, bringing down the mercury further and blanketing the hilly areas with white snow.

Light snowfall continues in the Kukikhel and Maidan areas of the Tirah area of ??the Khyber district, while mercury has decreased further due to last night's snowfall in the Malam Jabba and Kalam areas of Swat. Light rain continued for hours in urban areas in Upper Dir. On the contrary, snowfall continues in the upper areas of the district including Oshirai Dara, Kumrat, Lowari Tunnel, Dog Dara Top, Jaaz Banda. In Kaghan, Naran and Babusar top, the mercury dropped below zero due to intermittent snowfall.


Credit : Independent News Pakistan-INP