Chitral people demand immediate completion of under construction roadsBreaking

March 09, 2023

The civil society, notable and public representatives on Thursday deplored suspension of construction work on the roads from Lowari Tunnel to Chitral, Chitral to Shandur, Ayun, Bomburit by the National Highway Authority (NHA) from last five months.

In a meeting held here with Deputy Commissioner Lower Chitral Muhammad Ali Khan here, they said that the work on the roads were started a year ago but was left uncompleted and from the last five months there was no progress.

They presented a unanimous resolution to the DC and demanded that the work on these roads should be started immediately and the affected owners of the lands of the three projects should be compensated without any delay.

It was demanded through the resolution that the NHA should work on these roads as per the SOPs and follow the rules to prevent dust and remove debris from the roads for the facilitation of the commuters as well as the local population.

They further demanded initiation of construction of work on Darosh, Arundu, Sheshikoh roads and widening of Booni, Ower, Milkho, Trich road and construction of road leading to Chitral University besides paving of and these roads for a safe travel.

The resolution deplored inordinate delay in construction of Booni to Buzund, Torkho road, adding that the work on 32 km long road was in progress from last 14-year until now 50 per cent work could not be completed. They urged the Federal government to pursue approval of PC-1 of Chitral to Garm Chashma and Durra Pass road from ECNEC.

The resolution was presented by Maulvi Israruddin Al-Hilal, Chairman Chitral Development Moment (CDM) Waqas Ahmed Advocate, Inayatullah Aseer, Safdar Ali Kash, Sheikh Abdullah, Amir Muhammad and others.

The DC while addressing the people assured to take up the issue with appropriate forum. Later he inaugurated the new office of CDM, a non-political and non-governmental voluntary organisation working for the construction of roads in Chitral.

The speakers said that the people of Chitral demand promotion of tourism in the two districts and provision of basic facilities including education and health to improve the living standard of the people.

Credit : Independent News Pakistan-INP