ANP hints at parting ways with PDM govtBreaking

March 03, 2023

After reservations from the Balochistan Awami Party (BAP), Awami National Party (ANP), another ally party of the PDM government on Friday has hinted to part ways with the government over ‘reservations’. Senior ANP leader Senator Umar Farooq in an interview with a private TV Channel said they should not have joined the government after the ouster of Imran Khan’s regime. “The party should come out of the coalition government and the final decision will be taken in a party meeting within a few days.” The ANP leader further said that the main agenda of the meeting is to consult on parting ways with the government.

The ANP lawmaker of the upper house said he has given an application to sit on the opposition benches in Senate. I will not support any bill of the government, said the annoyed lawmaker, Farooq said and added that we have not given any relief to the masses after coming into power. Taking on PML-N vice president Maryam Nawaz, the ANP leader said the daughter of the former prime minister wants to put the burden of failure on the PDM parties. Maryam should tell who is PM and which party has major ministries, he maintained. Maryam Nawaz is trying to make way for her to become the next prime minister of Pakistan, Umar Farooq said.

Credit: Independent News Pakistan-INP