Anti-Narcotics Force (ANF) while conducting five operations across the country arrested three accused including a woman and recovered over 287 kg drugs worth Rs 209 million, said an ANF Headquarters spokesman here on Thursday. He informed that 231 kg morphine was recovered from an uninhabited area of Hazarganji, Quetta. In second operation, 35 kg opium, 12 kg ice and 6 kg heroin were recovered from Goth Lakha Othal area of Lasbela. 3 kg ice concealed in secret cavities of a vehicle was recovered near M-1 Motorway, Islamabad. 740 grams ice was recovered from the possession of two accused including a woman arrested in two operations near Iqbal Shaheed Toll Plaza Attock. Separate cases have been registered against the arrested accused under the Narcotics Control Act and further investigations are under process.
Credit: Independent News Pakistan (INP)